School life becomes monotonous if there won’t be any fun. For this reason, CPS organizes several functions inside the School and it gives the opportunity to the student to work in a team. The annual day function has become one of the compulsory function. It gives all the students of the school to exhibit talents and in different ways. CPS annual day function prevails the environment of excitement in the school. In this special day, children’s act as a host and parents come as the guest. The function marked the culmination of various cultural activities that gave students a platform to showcase their talent. In our Annual Function Students present Tableau, classical dance and participate in a musical or in welcoming dance.
The beam of laughter, the tears of sorrow, the hard work appreciation and criticisms and then the final countdown begins for the most awaited day. School also conducts annual prize distribution on that particular day. The students are honored for their academic and non-academic achievements. Director of the school share few words with all the parents. He also tells the parents about the school achievements and its teaching process.